I Barely Knew Her!
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“Kiefer? I Barely Knew Her!” is a podcast hosted by comedy duo Chris and B, who are on a journey of realHIGHzations as they discuss some of their favorite and some… other movies, one kiefy bowl at a time! Join us as we discover the monopoly that brought down the town of Perfection from “Tremors,” the shocking weakness that has Michael Myers stabbing like a shy schoolgirl in “Halloween,” and what single expense was spared that could have spared them their lives in “Jurassic Park.” All while high on weed, the way nature intended. New episodes released every Tuesday. Visit us at www.kieferibkh.com for comments or suggestions!
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Have Questions?
Frequently Asked
How’s the weather up there?
Chris is tall so he gets asked this a lot.
I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that – what was your name again?
Sorry, B tends to mumble.
How are you doing, big guy?
Tall people get called “big guy” a lot for some reason. Most of them don’t like it.
Ooh, you’re left-handed?!
B is left-handed.
What’s your shoe size?
We know what you’re really asking.
Where did you come up with a name like Dr. Grumbles?
We named our male boxer puppy Dr. Thaddeus Leonard Grumbles, or Grumby if you’ve got treats. Unfortunately, It’s not a funny story.